For Thanksgiving, my dad came up from Tennessee to visit us and I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for the first time all by myself. And by that I mean with my mom on the phone with me 50% of the time. It turned out, surprisingly, well. I made my grandmother's stuffing, which is a two day process. I even made an appetizer! It was really fun having my dad here. It gets pretty lonely here in Charm City. Here are some pictures of the meal I made, as requested by my mom!
Other updates on our lives...
We get to come home for 4 and a half whole days which we are super grateful and excited for. So be sure to contact as if you'll be in town as well.
We discovered that there is a place near Gettysburg called "The Land of the Little Horses" and we are planning a trip there for this spring. In case you didn't know it's been my lifelong dream to own a miniature horse so I'm super excited for this.
The Buckeyes are going to the BIG ONE AGAIN!! Congratulations Mr. Tressel!
John and the boy scouts are making tin foil dinners this week.
I just got another calling to the activities committee so that's a new on for me. John and I now have 2 callings each so are pretty busy.
I also got Gilmore Girls on DVD, courtesy of my dad and have been obsessed with watching it!