I Got a New Job!!!
So back in November I found out Tricia's division at work was probably going to be eliminated. I thought we would be clear until after the first of the year, but nothing was for sure. Unfortunately, Tricia ended up losing her job the first week of December. The Wiebers were nice enough to give me a severance while I continued looking for a job. The week before we left for Christmas I ended up getting 2 really good job offers. One was a great nanny job and one was a job with UMUC as an academic advisor. I decided to take the job with University of Maryland because I really want to go back to school and I've always been interested in education. I'm so grateful to the Lord for being blessed with so many great opportunities in these challenging times.
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Christmas with the Loops
John and I were lucky enough to be able to go back to Ohio for a whole week! Unfortunately, it went by super fast. We're so grateful for all of our fun gifts, but most of all, for all the fun we had with our families.
We got a lot of fun presents this year and definitely don't want or need for anything. John got a new video camera from my dad so we were able to tape the kiddies opening their presents. I'll post some videos as soon as I can. John got me a new ipod touch which I am super pumped about. I love the Nike feature that records my workouts.
Here are some pics from our trip. Enjoy!
This Makes Me Sad

LDS people didn't pass Proposition 8 by themselves, but they are certainly being the scapegoat.
Just like people have a right to chose how to express themselves sexually, people also have a right to disagree with them and express their religious beliefs. That's what makes this America. And when we start trying to oppress and harass people because of their religious beliefs we go against one of the main principles this county was founded on. Regardless of your stance on gay marriage the way to get your point across is not by standing in front of building that people consider sacred and holy yelling profanities, spreading hate, and defacing their property.
The main point of my entry is not to go on a rant (although I've done a good job of it), but to remind myself and others that when you feel your views are being protested to respond in a Christlike manner. Don't fight hate with hate. When your beliefs are challenged stand firm on them and resist the urge to engage in a fight. Turn to the Lord in prayer and trust in what you believe is right.

On October 17 Delainey turned 1!! It went by so fast. I can't believe it. She looked super cute as usual. There are few things more enjoyable than watching a 1 year old eat their birthday cake. We got her a little kitchen which she loved. She also really loved the couch/sleeping bag Carol got her. Note that her party was Hello Kitty themed. My fave! Enjoy the pictures!
Happy Birthday to Me! (and EMILY!)

Last Thursday I celebrated my 25 birthday. For those of you who don't remember the date I turned 25 on the 25th. I think this is the hardest birthday to be so far. 30 seems so close! Fortunately, I got to do a lot of fun things to take my mind off of the whole getting old thing. On Thursday we went over Heather's to watch The Office premiere with Jason, Amber, and Devin. What could be better than watching Jim propose while eating cake and ice cream? Friday John and I went to Dave and Buster's with the Heather, Dan, Amber, Devin, Merrin, and Matt. During this exciting trip I won over 3000 tickets. Ok so I probably won about 2000 and Merrin donated 1000 to my cause. However, I did win the trivia game and won over 500 tickets in one sitting. Then Amber and I went to go play the coin pushy game thing and the tickets weren't coming out so we went and got an employee to help us. It seems the thing had been jammed all nite so I got another 500 tickets! It really was my lucky night. I got tons of fun gifts too in cluding a new scrapbook! Thanks to everyone for making my birthday so memorable!!
Pictures to come...
Pictures to come...
Sad Sad Sad
So this past week has been really crappy on the friend front. First, Leigh Ann (my nanny partner in crime) is move to Florida next week! It happened to fast! I am gonna be so bored and lonely at work. Then yesterday we found out Heather and Dan are moving to Utah for Dan's job. Do people have to move so far away?? Seriously, it's no mystery that I am not a fan of Maryland, but we had made to many good friends it made it a lot better. Now they are dropping like flies. Okay, maybe that's not the right analogy, but still! Now I will be really lobbying for a move. Ugh.
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Happy Birthday Papa!!
The first weekend in August my Grandpa celebrated his 80th birthday! John and I were able to go back and visit him. We also had the chance to see my Great Uncle Jim and Aunt Beth who I haven't seen since 8th grade! It was a fun time.
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Independance Day

My mom and Mikaela came to visit us for the Fourth of July. They actually arrived the the day after though. We had a jampacked 4 days of DC fun. We went to the aquarium, the zoo, painted our own pottery, swam, bought a new mattress, the DC mall, and much more. They left on Wednesday and I was able to with them and fly back using my voucher I got for when BWI forgot to send my luggage with me. Here are some pics!
Rebecca Bernice

This past weekend we were able to go back to Ohio AGAIN and see our niece Rebecca get baptized. It was great to see John's side of the family since we missed them for Memorial Day. We took advantage of the time and took lots of family pics. So you finally get to see John's family instead of just me and Delainey all the time. Don't worry I still got some Delainey pics. No trip to Ohio would be complete without them Rebecca looks like she might get even bigger than her big sister. Morgan is only 2.5, but she already could pass for a 4 year old. Brian and Jen should form their own women's volleyball team.
Happy Birthday Dan

May 27 our good friend Dan turned the big 33 and we had a fiesta to celebrate him. As usual, Heather fed us a great meal including Pineapple Carrot Cake! MMmmmm. It was very festive and great to have everyone all together!! Thanks Monica!
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