Sorry for being so MIA. We have been so busy getting ready for Baby Loop and we only have 8 weeks to go! Plus I feel like I have been on the Baby Shower tour of North American these past few months. My last one is tomorrow, but then we start all the fun childbirth, breastfeeding, and infant care classes. Am I into being over-prepared? You betcha!
Anyhow, I have lots of fun projects to catch you up on from this summer. One of the biggest has been my husband's furniture making ventures. This has been a great way for us to earn some extra baby money as we try to prepare to pay for daycare. We went to our first auction back in July and I actually one these super cool card catalogs! John was really nervous about bidding so i took over and some lady was totally fighting me for them, but I won and stayed under budget!
John was able to make two different furniture pieces that are on sale starting today at Chartreuse & Co.! He originally started making giant card catalog buffets, which were crazy hard to transport and weighed a million pounds. So he decided he needed to do something a bit more practical for people.
First, he made a smaller console table version of the buffet.
It's still a bit of a beast, but at least it only takes two people to carry it.
Then my favorite thing he has made so far is this entertainment stand. I think it's really practical for your TV and the finish turned out awesome. Don't you love the staging, as well? We were tempted to keep it for ourselves, but I wanted baby loot more.
Thanks for visiting. I'll be taking some photos this weekend of more projects to share!