Today was my first weight watchers meeting. It was not off to a good start. The woman told me to put my purse down and step on the scale, which I did. Then she says,"No you have to set down your purse." I realize that she is seeing my weight and thinks I must be holding a very heavy bag because there is no way I can possible weigh that much. Not a good way to start.
I actually really like my leader Di and my two neighbors were there so I feel like I have a little support group. I have to do this. I just do. I'm tired of walking around feeling like people see me as a fat girl rather than just me. I'm tired of being scared to do things because I may look dumb doing it because I am so chubby. I'm done walking into stores and wondering if they carry up to my size.
I really really need support. I feel like this is it. Either I'm going to go balls out this time or throw in the towel. In the past I have struggled with eating disorders and ever since then I have had a hard time losing weight in a healthy way. I think the solution to this is going to be brutal honestly.
I want to weigh 135 pounds.
I've got a lot of work ahead of me.
These are My Goals in order of Difficulty
1. Lose 5 lbs
2. Lose 5% of your body weight: 9 lbs
3. Lose 10 lbs
4. Lose 10% of your body weight: 18lbs
5. Lose 25 lbs
6. Lose 15% of my body weight: 29 lbs
7. Lose 35 lbs
8. Lose 25% of my body weight: 49 lbs
9. Lose 60 lbs
And here is my beloved "before" picture
I look like Violet Beauregarde from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Sure, it doesn't help my cause that I'm standing next to my gorgeous friend Takea who happens to be a model. But that would be an excuse right? And no more excuses!

day one just sucks -- no way around it -- but you are on the best path for you -- so good for you! and ww rocks!!! i just (re)joined two weeks ago! funny thing is that i posted my weight on my blog for the first time ever! it's scary and liberating at the same time -- because when we are thin -- we will be glad we did! ironically, 135 is my DREAM weight.
good luck and if ya ever need an ear please don't hesitate!
misadventures of a chunky goddess
Hi, My name is Krista and I weigh 110. lbs. I love chocolate and have to figure it into my points every day! I lost 20 lbs nicely when I started WW on May 4th. Then Summer hit and I enjoyed a bit too much of what it brings. But starting fresh is good and I will enjoy this journey with you! So here we go! My weigh in day is tomorrow. :)
Krista! Long time no see! If you weigh 110 you probably shouldn't try to lose 20 lbs. lol
Hey Meg...I just want to go girl! I know you can do it! I've been a weigh watchers member a few different times in my life (each time I would lose the weight I would get pregnant and have to quit) and I firmly believe in them! My best friend just made lifetime after losing over 100 POUNDS over the last year and a half! It is something she has struggled with her whole life and she has done such an amazing job!!
I have been on and off Weight Watchers a couple of times. It is an amazing program that really works. My suggestion is to make the dinners they offer on the website. There are some AMAZING meals. I just started hard core again a couple of weeks ago. Good luck!
Good luck Meg! Making a big life change is always hard, no matter what it is. I hope you know that I think you're beautiful, and I want to add to the "you go girl!" Hang in there, it will be hard to start but I know your rewards will be worth it.
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